If I was to start from the very beginning it would be the Mattel Intellivision I was given as a 6 year old in 1980. I loved that console. I suppose I was addicted straight away. I can still remember vividly the buzz of every new game I was given. A few years later I had an Acorn Electron and began to program my own games. I can then begin to chart my life through various games and consoles from Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Repton, Amstrad 6128, Atari ST, Gauntlet, Outrun, Double Dragon, Megadrive, SNES, Street Fighter and Mario Kart to N64, Goldeneye, Age of Empires, Total War and Championship Manager. At the moment I've just completed the nearly perfect Baldurs Gate 3.
In 1996 I visited my first Trade Show, ECTS, at the Kensington Olympia. I knew this was the industry I wanted to work in, Video Games. I had started in recruitment, I loved people but I also had this nerdy side to me which loved the search for talent. It seemed only natural for all these worlds to come together and they did when I founded Gamesrecruit in 2001.
Gamesrecruit was a venture I entered into with a good University friend of mine, Craig Gabell, who at the time was the Studio Art Director at Climax Racing Studio in Brighton. Back then nothing was online, it is hard to believe but genuinely in the UK we became the first place to advertise Games Industry Jobs online. We attracted the attention of Edge magazine and Develop Magazine, both wanted to buy us, both realised they needed an online presence. We even had a young man visit us at the time called Rupert Loman who had an idea for a website called Gamesindustry.biz and needed advice.
What was always great about Gamesrecruit was we had the ability to evolve with the needs of the industry. We hired a young man by the name of Dan Porter (later co founder of Trailer Farm) and we ventured into outsourcing consultancy. We helped studios grow and worked with Rik Alexander in the early days as he built the precursor to Multiplayer Guys. I did a tenure at SEGA heading up their TA function globally. We even were nominated for a few Develop Awards back in the early noughties.
So where are we today? After 8 years out, in which I have been leading Global Recruitment Teams across Unity Technologies I have decided it is time to relaunch Gamesrecruit once again. It was never dissolved as a company and was always in hibernation ready to rise again when needed. This time though we are going bigger, much BIGGER. I have enlisted the help of my Unity colleague, Sean Canning who has joined as a Director alongside us, we have the original Unity UK recruitment team who were responsible for almost 90% of all technical hiring at Unity (approved 500 hires per annum). After recent RIF’s where the team were affected due to structural changes across the company, we now have the perfect opportunity to take our success as an internal recruitment team and replicate that for lots of other companies.
Our goal at Gamesrecruit is to offer scalable solutions to Games and Tech companies of all sizes and situations. From the smallest start up to a large enterprise business, we have a team capable and with experience already in that field. Why not come and speak with us, we would like to think we are a few levels above your average agency or recruiter in the industry at the moment and we are always happy to explain in a little more detail what we offer that is so refreshingly different and yet offers such great value.